Some big and small news that will make your journey in Ginger Bread Head’s world even sweeter.
A sweet hello to all!
During these summer months we are doing all we can to improve our blog, both in its navigation and contents.
And, while you’re probably enjoying your well-earned vacation, we’re here jumping from one event to the other to make wonderful hair-does or to collect materials we’ll share with all of you in the next videos and articles.
Ready for the news?
1:: First Super News is: The Monthly Newsletter!
I strongly suggest you to subscribe to it, so you won’t miss not a single news on the colorful world of Ginger Bread Head. You just have to go on Contacts and fill in the form with name, last name and e-mail address.
I have to point out that our Newsletter is monthly! So we won’t stress you out with millions of mails a day, but with a single mail with all the most important contents of the month. Sign up now!! You can do it from the column here on the side too, if you don’t want to lose time 😉
2:: The second news is: Double Language!
Now you can share Ginger Bread Head’s contents with friends all around the world, as long as they speak English… obviously 😉
Opening each one of the blog’s articles you’ll find the Italian and the English flag, you just click one to select the language you prefer.
The new articles will all be translated; as for the old ones, we’re working to translate all of them!
3:: Third and last news is: The Search Button!
Now you’ll be able to find easily what you were looking for, simply writing the key word in the field next to the magnifying lens on every article’s side bar.
Flea markets, hair-does, events and much more J have a good navigation!
Thanks to all of you that keep on following us and fill us with wonderful compliments, and a special thank you to our Web Master Francesca D’Onofrio that manages to indulge all my crazy requests like a fairy with her magic wand!
To discover all of Francesca’s magic you can go to: